Thursday, August 21, 2008

The writing style of this tale contains both poetic imagery and bleak events. The presence of Death in this story is as much a constant as the blind frog. Binu and the Great Wall is not told as a happy fairy tale the way that the story of Meng Jiang is frequently told. (See this version sanitized for Western audiences.) Su Tong's novel, translated by Howard Goldblatt, has points that are utterly bleak but still pays homage to the capacity of the ordinary person to change the direction of the powerful.

The above quote was taken from my book review blog, My Individual Take (On The Subject). The value of using the Flock browser for purposes of blogging was that I could clip an item from one of my RSS feeds, save it to the Flock clipboard and then immediately publish the quote and this comment to the blog without hesitation. Streamlined process.

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